Thursday, May 20, 2010

Theresa's Summer Reading List


I take a lot of pride in running my home as efficiently as I can with 3 kids at home plus an in home daycare.  It's my job and like any job I get up, get dressed and attempt to look as put together as possible.  I've gathered a very large stack of books I plan to read this summer though knowing me this may stretch into winter...;P  Most of the books are meant to inspire my thirst for knowledge in homemaking and life.  I chose to be a stay at home mom shortly after Larry and I were married.  I had stints of jobs here and there but I was never as satisfied as when I was at home taking care of my family.  When we decided to get pregnant with Katie I knew that I did not want anyone else raising her.  Keep in mind I am not bad mouthing mommas that choose to have their kids in daycare.  That would be a bit hypocritical considering my line of work.  This decision was easy to make for us.  We did not need two incomes.  Through faith in God and His ability to provide whatever we needed we simply made the cuts of unnecessary "wants" and commited to our goal of parenting.  This doesn't work for everyone but by being at home I am available for my children for encouragement, support and discipline.  I have time to cook from scratch rather than spending money on convenience.  I manage my home like Larry manages his office.  Same titles just different staff, assignments and end results.  I will add to my list of books as a gift to you as well as a reminder for myself to take a little time to digest knowledge so I can grow as a wife, mother and woman.  Enjoy~Theresa

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