Monday, December 10, 2012

Refocusing Life

I've missed writing down my thoughts.  It dawned on me the other day that I don't have many opportunities to just reach out with some bit of wisdom every now and then.  In the past few weeks my very full plate has gotten cleared off a little at a time.  During the "scraping of the plate" I've managed to spend some serious quality time with my husband and daughters.  My family needed me back as much as I needed them. It's made me look inward at what else I'm missing:

I miss:
  • Mom to Mom talks
  • Play dates at Chik-Fil-A
  • Coffee with friends
  • Having moms over for a playdate
  • Sitting in a bookstore reading magazines
  • Going to the library and not rushing
  • Quality relationships that need to be reconnected

This is my bucket list over the next few months.  I need to reestablish myself within my community, church and circle of friends.  If you are in a similar position I encourage you to leave a comment so we may share in the journey.

One of His, T