Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Time Management

Being that I haven't blogged AT ALL since August 09 time management is quite obviously a, um, challenge. I actually logged in and looked at the date on my last blog and thought Wow! It's been that long? I'm sitting on the couch watching Julie and Julia and listening to the snoring of two boys. It's quiet, I can hear the fish tank gurgling. Gurgling, hmmm, doesn't sound right...well, whatever you know what I mean.

I've been on this cooking adventure for a while. I tumbled across a wonderful blog that has the most delightful recipes. Annie takes pictures of all the finished products so you know what to expect. I've made wheat bread, hamburger buns, recipes with butternut squash, etc. I really enjoy it. Makes me want a much bigger kitchen. Don't you wish youcould have one of those "houses of the future" they used to show on Saturday morning cartoons. Just push a button and presto! instant counter space...need more problem just tell the replicator what you need. HA that would be awesome.

I'll try to be more disciplined in my blogging. I enjoy it and it's a nice outlet for me.

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