Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sleep Deprivation

Anyone else find themselves getting only 3-4 hours of sleep a night?  I am personally feeling the physical strain from lack of sleep.  I go to sleep with good intentions only to wake up 2 or 3 times a night.  Usually at 3:00am I am totally awake.  I'll try to convince myself that it is ok to rest, whatever needs to be done can wait til sunrise, etc.  Today I was up by 5:00am.  I made coffee, connected online, shopped online and now blogging.  Wow, what would I do without the internet?  For those of you that say read a book it will help you sleep...true.  I will fall asleep after about 4 pages, wake up, read, fall asleep....get the picture? 

Ugh, I'm frustrated.  But, the good news is today I will get to hear the first song at  We usually run about 5 minutes late and almost always miss that first song.  So, that's my bright side.  Hahaha I'll take it.

Speaking of worship...go do it.  It's good medicine and Jesus really loves you just like the song says.  I'll be at Grace Community Church at 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30.  Yep...all 3 services...I'm cool like that cause I don't want to miss you.  :D

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A Kingdom Minded Church

My branch of God's church is called Grace Community Church (GCom).  We meet at Rossview High School and fill all 3 services with enthusiastic people.  This last Sunday they made the announcement that GCom would begin a second campus at Kenwood High School after the first of the year.  It's not another church but another opportunity to worship.   Gather, Commit, Serve is the purpose of GCom.  So here we go...we're gathering, commiting and serving in a whole new neighborhood.  I'm excited to serve with a group of believers that want to build up God's kingdom.  Jesus command us to "go and make disciples of all nations".  That's it....our great commission.  Join us in His work...Jesus is always recruiting new hires AND rehires. 
